Business without legal barriers

Violations of labor legislation in Ukraine are subject to sanctions that can reach up to 100 times the minimum wage. In addition, the offender may face disciplinary, administrative, financial, and criminal liability, with these types of liability being applied independently of each other.

There are numerous legal nuances and peculiarities when contesting fines imposed by the State Labor Service. For instance, if a compliance order is fulfilled within the prescribed period, measures to hold the inspected entity accountable are not taken. However, in cases involving the employment of unregistered workers, such measures are applied regardless of whether the identified violations have been rectified.

Currently, judicial appeals remain the most effective tool for challenging fines imposed by the State Labor Service. Therefore, engaging professional labor dispute attorneys enables businesses to protect their rights and interests effectively.

By seeking assistance from a legal professional, many problems can be avoided, and the desired outcome can be achieved during the dispute resolution process.

Experienced labor dispute attorneys from the WinnerLex Law Firm can help you defend your rights and challenge State Labor Service fines. We develop an effective legal plan to resolve the issue promptly and work out the optimal defense strategy.

We have experience in successfully appealing fines imposed by the State Labor Service, including for the following violations:

  • Unregistered employment relationships;
  • Reclassification of workers under civil law contracts as regular employees;
  • Registering an employee as working part-time while they are actually performing full-time work as established by the company;
  • Payment of wages (or compensation) without the accrual and payment of unified social contributions (USC);
  • Delayed payment of wages or other payments required by labor laws for more than one month, or payment of such amounts in incomplete amounts;
  • Failure to comply with minimum state wage guarantees, resulting in fines amounting to 10 times the minimum wage established by law at the time of the violation, for each affected employee.
The specialists:
Our Advantages:
PROACTIVITY We identify potential threats and protect against possible risks.
NON-STANDARD APPROACH We find the optimal strategy to achieve the client’s goal.
TRANSPARENCY We always assess the client’s request in advance and clearly define the realistic prospects of the case and the cost of our legal assistance.
INTEGRITY We are always committed to our clients and put forth our best efforts through professional work and conscientiousness to achieve the desired outcome for them.
POSITIVE REPUTATION Proven by numerous successful projects, as well as long-term service and recommendations from loyal clients.
STATUS OF A LAW FIRM Ensuring client information is protected under attorney-client privilege, offering litigation representation, and enabling the recovery of legal costs.
PROFESSIONALISM The "WinnerLex" Law Firm thoroughly studies the issue you bring to us and is dedicated solely to achieving a positive outcome when resolving disputes in court.
INDIVIDUALITY Our specialists avoid generic templates, choosing a unique approach to resolving disputes of any complexity and developing a tailored defense strategy for each client.
DETERMINATION Our lawyers search for the most optimal solution to a problem, even in seemingly hopeless cases.
Lawyer’s Advice
What Constitutes Grounds for Imposing Fines by the State Labor Service?
  • A court decision mandating the formalization of employment relations with an individual who performed work without an employment contract, along with the determination of the period such work was performed or the work was carried out on part-time terms despite being done for the full working hours established by the enterprise, institution, or organization.
  • A report identifying violations of labor legislation and/or employment regulations during an inspection of a business entity or employer. This report is prepared by an official of the State Labor Service or its territorial office, or the executive body of a city council of a city of regional significance, as well as rural, township, or city councils of a united territorial community.
  • A report from an on-site tax audit conducted by the State Tax Service or its territorial office, revealing violations of labor legislation.
In What Cases Can a Labor Inspector’s Order or Demand Be Challenged in Court?

An authorized official must, no later than 10 days from the date of the report’s preparation, decide on the review of the case concerning the imposition of a fine. The case must be reviewed within 15 days from the date the decision to review it is made.

If the outcome of administrative appeal proceedings is unfavorable, the order can be challenged in court within three months. This period starts from the day the claimant receives the decision on their complaint against the actions, inactions, or decisions of the authority in question.


When Must a Fine by the State Labor Service Be Paid?

The fine must be paid within one month from the date the resolution imposing the fine is issued. The business entity or employer is required to inform the authorized official, who issued the resolution, about the payment of the fine.

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