Business without legal barriers

Many entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector operate in their own interests, aiming to achieve the most favorable results for themselves. However, sometimes their own resources are insufficient, and acquiring additional ones may not be cost-effective for various reasons. This is when the need arises to combine assets with another business entity and achieve a common goal in an optimal relationship for both parties. The ideal tool for legally regulating such relationships is a joint activity agreement without creating a legal entity. This type of agreement is quite commonly used in the agricultural sector, particularly when one party has property rights to a land plot, and the other has the resources to cultivate agricultural crops, such as planting materials, equipment, and labor. Joint activities can be carried out either by combining the contributions of the participants (simple partnership) or without combining contributions.

It should be noted that establishing joint activities can carry significant legal risks. For example, one party may put the other party at a disadvantage, leading to the second party incurring significant losses and legal problems instead of profits from the joint activities. Therefore, when formalizing joint activities, it is important to seek the assistance of a lawyer with experience in this field.

Legal services related to joint activities include, in particular:

  • Consultation on the formalization of legal relationships in joint activities;
  • Verification of the legal status and reliability of the parties to the joint activity agreement;
  • Assistance with the drafting, amending, and termination of joint activity agreements;
  • Expert review of signed joint activity agreements;
  • Support in resolving disputes arising from joint activity agreements;
  • Resolution of tax issues arising in connection with joint activities.


The specialists:
SPECIALIZATION WinnerLex specializes in providing systematic external legal services (outsourcing) to a number of agricultural enterprises in various regions of the country.
EXPERIENCE The lawyers in our company have extensive experience in successfully supporting agricultural projects of varying levels of complexity.
PROACTIVITY We foresee potential threats and protect against possible risks.
COMPETENCE Our specialists have extensive experience in providing legal support to the agricultural business. Our lawyers have ensured the legal framework for the implementation of numerous complex business projects in the agricultural sector.
PROFESSIONALISM By tracking current changes in the legislation regulating business activities in the agricultural production sector, combined with our accumulated experience in legal support for successfully implemented projects, we are able to apply a comprehensive and always up-to-date approach to solving legal issues related to agribusiness.
RESPONSIVENESS "Fast legal assistance" when agricultural businesses face legal issues.
Legal Advice:
In what form is a joint activity agreement concluded?

A joint activity agreement must be concluded in writing. Notarization of such agreements is not required by law, but it is not unnecessary.

Are joint activity agreements subject to state registration?

Joint activity agreements (for joint cultivation of agricultural crops) are not subject to state registration. In practice, this type of agreement is sometimes confused with another agreement of a similar name but with a completely different legal nature and content—the joint investment activity agreement, which is subject to state registration.


Can a joint activity agreement be declared invalid?

A joint activity agreement, like any other agreement, is a legal act aimed at acquiring corresponding rights and obligations. Therefore, the general requirements established by the Civil Code of Ukraine apply to a joint activity agreement, and adherence to these requirements is necessary for the validity of any legal act. Thus, if for some reason the content of the joint activity agreement contradicts the Civil Code of Ukraine, other civil legislation acts, or the interests of the state and society, its moral principles, or if a party to the agreement lacks the necessary capacity, the agreement may be declared invalid. A joint activity agreement, like any other legal act, must be aimed at achieving real legal consequences stipulated by the agreement. Therefore, if the joint activity agreement is a disguised land lease agreement, its content will contradict the legal requirements, which is grounds for declaring the agreement invalid and obligating the land user to vacate the land plot, given that its use in such a case is without sufficient legal grounds.

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