Business without legal barriers

The main asset of an agricultural company is land rights. The most common document under which an agricultural company obtains land plots for use is a land lease agreement. Lessors can be various entities, which imposes certain specifics when concluding lease agreements with each of these entities. Often, agricultural enterprises cultivate land based on lease agreements with shareholders who received land through the privatization of collective agricultural enterprises. Lease agreements are also made with local councils when leasing agricultural land from municipal property of the respective territorial communities. The State Geocadaster and its territorial bodies transfer agricultural land plots from state ownership into use.

As practice shows, the signing of lease agreements with shareholders happens quickly and chaotically, resulting in various violations, from minor shortcomings to grounds for declaring the agreements invalid.

The main cause of such mistakes is often the legal illiteracy of the individuals responsible for selecting land plots for lease on behalf of the agricultural enterprise and for assisting in the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

Very often, the terms of lease agreements do not comply with the requirements of the legislation governing land lease relations. Frequently, the parties do not carry out the state registration of lease agreements, which may tempt an unscrupulous lessor to enter into another lease agreement with another party. Often, the documents that should be attached to the agreement, such as technical documentation or boundary establishment acts, are missing. In some cases, land plots that are not suitable for agricultural use are transferred. There are also instances of double registration of the same lease agreements.

To identify and correct such violations, it is necessary to conduct a legal audit (Due Diligence) of land lease agreements.

The legal audit of land lease agreements by WinnerLex includes a wide range of services, among which the following can be highlighted:

  • Verification of land title documents (lease agreements, state acts for permanent land use, state acts for ownership rights, temporary land use agreements);
  • Analysis of compliance with the terms of the agreements and land legislation requirements;
  • Investigation of land rights (extracts from state registries, verification of land planning documentation, tracking the registration procedure of land plots and rights on them);
  • Verification of the correctness of information about the land plot, lessor, lessee, and the registration of lease and sublease agreements;
  • Identification and description of non-standard and/or burdensome terms of agreements, possible risks of losing land rights (termination of lease agreements, compulsory alienation) and methods of avoiding (minimizing) such risks;
  • Determination of the maximum term of lease agreements and the procedure and timeframe for their renewal;
  • Verification of the correctness of rent payment for the land;
  • Checking restrictions on land use and encumbrances on land rights (land plot purpose, existing restrictions, encumbrances, pledges, mortgages, servitudes, coastal protective strips, and protected zones of water objects).
The specialists:
Our Advantages:
SPECIALIZATION WinnerLex specializes in land law, providing systematic external legal services (outsourcing) to a number of agricultural enterprises across various regions of the country.
EXPERIENCE Our company’s lawyers have extensive experience in successfully providing legal support for land projects of various levels of complexity.
PROACTIVENESS We anticipate potential threats and protect against possible risks.
COMPETENCE Our specialists interact with the State GeoCadastre, local government bodies, and land planners, giving us an understanding of the internal nuances of decision-making in land matters, state supervision of compliance with land legislation, and land management activities.
PROFESSIONALISM Our tracking of current changes in land legislation, combined with our accumulated experience in handling land disputes, allows us to apply a comprehensive and always up-to-date approach when solving legal issues related to land.
RESPONSIVENESS "Fast legal assistance" when legal issues arise related to land lease agreements.
Legal Advice:
How to prepare for a land lease contract audit?

Before submitting the lease and sublease agreements, take the following steps:


  • Prepare a detailed list of all the land plots that the company leases, along with the corresponding lease or sublease agreements.
  • Prepare copies of the land lease and sublease agreements signed by the company.
  • Critically assess the lease and sublease agreements in terms of the business feasibility of using the respective land plots.
  • Check the duration of the contracts.
  • Recall and document any known disputes or other issues related to the land plots.
Do land lease and sublease agreements need to be state-registered?

According to the Law of Ukraine “On Land Lease,” land lease and sublease agreements are subject to state registration in accordance with the procedures established by law.

What are the essential terms of a land lease agreement?

The essential terms of a land lease agreement include:


  • The leased property (cadastral number, location, and size of the land plot);
  • The term of the lease agreement;
  • The rent, specifying its amount, indexing, method and terms of payment, deadlines, and the procedure for adjustments, along with liability for non-payment.
Additional services