Business without legal barriers

Running an agricultural business is accompanied by a number of legal issues, ranging from land use rights to disputes with tax authorities. The biggest problems include pressure from law enforcement agencies, raider attacks, and the need for anti-raider protection of landowners.

Regarding improper actions by law enforcement, it is no secret that there are frequent cases of investigations into unfounded criminal cases, which are used as a means of pressuring businesses, as these cases involve endless interrogations, searches, and seizures. Law enforcement officers often take advantage of agricultural workers’ lack of knowledge of criminal procedural law, abusing their official position. Therefore, in such cases, the assistance of a lawyer specializing in criminal law is absolutely necessary.

Another significant problem for farmers is raider attacks. Recently, raiding in Ukraine has reached alarming proportions. Despite the state’s efforts to strengthen the protection of property rights and improve the investment climate in the country—such as the adoption of so-called anti-raider laws and the establishment of a Commission for complaints in the field of state registration—the number of raider attacks remains extremely high. Therefore, it is not surprising that more than 70% of farmers consider their business to be unprotected from raiding.

Taking certain preventive measures, such as structuring the business, protecting insider information, controlling creditor debt, setting limitations on the director’s authority, and creating a number of obligations for the company toward other (friendly) enterprises, can significantly minimize the risk of successful raider attacks. It is clear that it is better to take a series of preventive actions to reduce the possibility of a “hostile takeover,” making your business too complex an object for attacks from those looking to illegally enrich themselves at the expense of others’ property, rather than later dealing with the consequences of a raider attack. Of course, implementing preventive measures to reduce the risk of raiding requires practical experience and systematic legal knowledge, so it is necessary to consult a qualified lawyer for their implementation.

Moreover, professional legal assistance is essential when defending against active raider attacks, as in this case, it is necessary to quickly develop a defense strategy and effectively implement the action plan.

The anti-raider protection of landowners provided by WinnerLex includes, in particular:

  • Assistance during specific investigative actions, searches, and interrogations.
  • Comprehensive support for criminal proceedings.
  • Legal audit of the business structure (Due Diligence) to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities to raider attacks, as well as developing and implementing anti-raider protection measures.
  • Development of statutory and corporate documents that include safeguards against raiding.
  • Restructuring the business to minimize the risks of raider attacks.
  • Establishing obligations between related, friendly companies, based on which encumbrances on property and corporate rights are created.
  • Active legal defense against raider attacks by involving law enforcement agencies and appealing unlawful actions in both judicial and extrajudicial ways.
The specialists:
Our Advantages:
SPECIALIZATION WinnerLex Law Firm specializes in providing comprehensive external legal services (outsourcing) for agricultural enterprises in various regions of the country.
EXPERIENCE Our company’s lawyers have extensive experience in successfully supporting land projects of varying complexity.
PROACTIVITY We anticipate potential threats and protect against possible risks.
COMPETENCE Our specialists have years of successful experience in providing legal support to the agricultural business. Our lawyers have ensured the legal aspects of numerous complex business projects in the agricultural sector.
PROFESSIONALISM By tracking current changes in legislation regulating business activities in the agricultural sector, combined with our accumulated experience in successfully implemented projects, we apply a comprehensive and always relevant approach to solving legal issues related to agribusiness.
RESPONSIVENESS "Rapid legal assistance" when agricultural businesses encounter legal problems.
Attorney's Advice:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main reasons that increase the risk of a successful raider attack against a company?

Among the main reasons contributing to illegal actions by raiders, the following can be highlighted:


  • Imperfections in the founding documents.
  • Lack of a structured document management system within the company.
  • Lack of monitoring for changes in state registers.
  • Failure to implement appropriate physical security measures for assets and absence of a cohesive internal security system.
  • Untimely or legally unprofessional appeals to government authorities and courts.
  • Attempts to handle a raider attack on their own without involving specialists (lawyers, security agencies).
What is the basic action plan if a raider attack is already taking place?

If a raider attack is already happening, the following steps should be taken:


  • Call law enforcement officers and file relevant reports about the crime. Call a lawyer.
  • Instruct employees on the action protocol in case of physical confrontation.
  • Record all illegal actions of the raiders, including their faces, vehicle numbers, and identification documents.
  • Inform local authorities and the public, law enforcement leaders, and invite journalists.
  • Maximize the spread of information about the raider attack on social media.
  • Immediately inform your counterparties and suspend contracts, inform banking institutions about the seizure.
  • Appeal to the commission for handling complaints in the state registration sector at the Ministry of Justice.
What should you do if law enforcement comes for a search?

If law enforcement officers arrive for a search, demand that they do not start the search until your lawyer arrives. If the search is conducted without allowing your lawyer, and you insisted on their presence, any evidence obtained during such a search may be deemed inadmissible by the court. Before the search begins, demand that the officers present their service IDs. Also, request a copy of the investigative judge’s ruling granting permission for the search. Carefully read the ruling, focusing on the following details: whether the address of the premises where the search will take place is correct; whether the same people authorized by the ruling to conduct the search have appeared; and whether the one-month period from the date of the decision granting permission for the search has expired.

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