LLC Kozyatin Garment Factory
Milinchuk Yu.M. Director of Kozyatin Garment Factory LLCGratitude
Kozyatin Garment Factory LLC is grateful to WinnerLex for the professional work and advocacy of our company in the Rivne Court of Appeal.
The case concerned legal relations under a credit agreement with a banking institution. We reached out to WinnerLex at the appeal stage of a banking institution and agreed to defend our position. All the complexity of the situation was that previously, the case was conducted by other lawyers. Despite all the challenges of our situation, the team of lawyers at WinnerLex quickly studied the details of the case, in the shortage of time worked out the legal position, obrpynmyvala defense in the light of existing case law. All the arguments were supported by the Laws of Ukraine, which were applied correctly.
The case was conducted at a high professional level, responsibly, with attention to detail and over time.
The result of the case was her winning in the Economic Court of Appeal.
In addition, we would like to thank you separately for legal advice on various aspects of our enterprise. In doing so, we feel the support of WinnerLex, which demonstrates a genuine interest in client matters in general, and not just in a single case.
Thank you very much for your work and we wish you every success.
Kozyatin Clothing Factory LLC Milinchuk Yu.M.