Amendments to the Land Code from January 1, 2019

Amendments to the Land Code from January 1, 2019 Amendments to the Land Code from January 1, 2019

Amendments to the Land Code and Other Legislative Acts Regarding the Issue of Collective Land Ownership in Ukraine, Which Introduce the Following Innovations:

  1. The transition of unused (unallocated) lands of liquidated collective farms to the ownership of territorial communities where they are located is provided for.
  2. If the owner of an unused land share (or their heir) does not formalize ownership of this share by January 1, 2025, they will be considered to have abandoned the land plot.
  3. A provision has been made for land tenants to exchange their rights to use land plots with one another.
  4. The right to exchange land plots of all ownership forms for other plots is provided if the difference in the normative land valuations of the plots to be exchanged does not exceed 10%.
  5. The right to lease land plots under field roads and forest strips located in or bordering agricultural land areas is provided.
  6. The establishment of land servitudes for land reclamation activities is defined.
  7. A land inventory procedure, which must be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, is provided.

For more details:

At the same time, the implementation of these norms requires high-quality legal support due to the uncertainty of procedures at the practical level.

For more detailed information regarding innovations in land legislation, you can receive a corresponding legal consultation from our lawyers specializing in land and agricultural law.

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