Anna Vynnychenko conducted a workshop titled “TAX MINIMIZATION 2019: Changing Schemes, Audits, Anti-Optimization”

How do the SFS and State Labor Service choose their target and how to avoid getting on the audit schedule? (Ministry of Finance Order No. 723) What new challenges await businesses during audits by the SFS and State Labor Service? Where is the line between optimization and tax evasion?
These and other urgent issues were discussed at the workshop “TAX MINIMIZATION 2019: Changing Schemes, Profit, VAT, Single Tax, Salaries, Audits, Anti-Optimization,” conducted by Managing Partner of WinnerLex law firm, Anna Vynnychenko, at the Business Club.
Many practical cases were reviewed during the session, potential problematic situations and provocations were addressed, and individual answers were provided to numerous questions from participants. We see our mission not only in solving clients’ problems but also in providing high-quality consultations to prevent potential issues, particularly with regulatory authorities.
The relevance of issues related to tax risk control and challenging audit results was emphasized by the participants’ refusal to take a break and their request to continue the presentation beyond the scheduled time.
The next workshop with Anna Vynnychenko at the Business Club will take place in March. If necessary, answers to the above questions can be obtained from Anna Vynnychenko or tax attorneys of WinnerLex by consulting here: