Attorneys of WinnerLex successfully defended clients in the corporate dispute in economic court

The corporate dispute for our clients from the Zhytomyr region arose completely unexpectedly.
Sometimes there are situations when a private enterprise has several owners, de facto turning it into a limited liability company. It was from such a private enterprise, with several owners, that our clients, as individuals, purchased a complete property complex. At the same time, prior to the conclusion of the sales contract, the owners of the private enterprise held a meeting and made the appropriate decision to instruct the director to conclude the relevant contract with our clients.
However, already after the conclusion of the agreement and receipt of payment, certain disputes arose between the owners of the private enterprise regarding the distribution of funds received from the sale of property.
The consequence of such a dispute was a corporate dispute – a lawsuit by individual owners of a private enterprise against our clients and the private enterprise itself to invalidate the decision to give consent to the director to enter into a contract and invalidate the purchase agreement. In this way, these co-owners of a private enterprise tried to solve their property disputes, let’s say, at the expense of our clients.
WinnerLex lawyers were engaged by the buyers of the disputed property at the very beginning of the court proceedings on the recommendation of our long-standing clients. All available documents were studied thoroughly and in a short period of time and a position was developed in the case, according to which the court had all the grounds for a complete rejection of the claim.
After the exchange of procedural documents on the merits of the dispute and several court hearings and replacement of the lawyer, the plaintiffs apparently came to the conclusion that they could not oppose anything to the position and arguments of the WinnerLex lawyers. As a result, after several months of consideration of the case, both plaintiffs appealed to the commercial court of the Zhytomyr region with a request to leave their lawsuit without consideration.
In this way, WinnerLex managed to protect the property interests of clients in this corporate dispute in the shortest possible time, and most importantly, we gave clients confidence in the safe future ownership and use of their property.