The law firm WinnerLex successfully defended the interests of its client in a dispute with the State Tax Inspection in the Zhovtnevy district of DniproThe case regarding the cancellation of tax notification decisions was won in the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine.Another victory for the lawyers of WinnerLex in a land dispute with the State GeocadasterWinnerLex Lawyers Protected the Client from Recovery of Foreign Currency Penalty and Won a Dispute of $3 Million in International ArbitrationRecovery of almost 700 thousand UAH in damages from a supplier of low-quality industrial equipment: another victory for WinnerLex attorneys in courtAnna Vinnychenko, Managing Partner of WinnerLex Attorneys at Law, became the first national trainer on European Union consumer law.Attorneys of WinnerLex proved in court the groundlessness of more than UAH 300,000 forfeit accrual by the State Property Fund.Collected the debt – exempted from penalties for violation of the terms of settlements under the foreign economic activity contract: WinnerLex attorneys defended the interests of the client in international commercial arbitrationCollection of non existing debt failed: WinnerLex lawyers successfully defended the client in courtAttorneys of WinnerLex successfully defended clients in the corporate dispute in economic courtTax attorneys of WINNERLEX Law Firm successfully unblocked tax invoices for a “risky” client worth over 3 million UAH through legal proceedingsUnblocking Tax Invoices for “Risky” Taxpayers: WINNERLEX PracticeAttorneys of WinnerLex returned to the client the real estate complex of more than 13000 sq.m. in the city of Dnipro after winning tdispute with the Deposit Guarantee Fund