
Legal assistance in unblocking tax invoices by submitting statements of explanation

Oleh Bozhok

In the context of martial law and constant power cuts, it so happened that I did not escape the fate of most conscientious taxpayers and VAT payers.

The registration of my tax invoice was suspended.

Having had experience of dealing with tax authorities and taking into account my attitude to fulfilling my duties as a taxpayer, I realised that I could lose time and money if I tried to resolve this issue on my own.

After studying online resources and comprehensive advice on how to unblock tax invoices, I decided to contact Winnerlex Attorneys at Law for legal assistance in preparing explanations and a list of documents to be submitted to the tax authorities.

The result:

Full legal support and moral support;
Recommendations on the formation of an exclusive list of documents to be attached to the explanations;
Constant communication during the preparation of the document packages via mobile, e-mail, Viber, etc;
And most importantly... RESULTS:

Registration of the TI at the first stage of administrative settlement and inclusion of the VAT payer data table.

I am sincerely grateful to Winnerlex Attorneys at Law.

Oleg Bozhok